Годишно научнотеоретично списание
ISSN 1314-7714

Archive for the ‘Теория и опит’ Category

Днешният литературно-образователен процес в начален етап

Abstract:Despite the continuing inertia, the targeted modernisation of the methodology for integral subject Bulgarian language and literature deepens. We do still do not have enough pragmatic landmarks and metacognition about the possibilities for innovative communication and pedagogical interaction in electronic environment. The adequate integration of new technologies […]


Психологически основания за приложение на анимативния подход в начална училищна възраст

Abstract:A serious challenge for teachers in the modern educational process is the low motivation for learning in students, which has an adverse impact on learning outcomes. In this regard, there is a need for teachers to choose an effective approach that stimulates the cognitive activity of students, […]


Девиантното поведение сред подрастващите като проблем на социално-педагогическата работа

Abstract:The increased manifestations of deviant behavior among adolescents are a result of the crisis in society and the profound changes that have occurred in recent years in political, economic and social life. Respectively, the changes in the social sphere led to social and personal changes in the […]


Оказване на социално-педагогическа подкрепа на родители на деца със специални образователни потребности (СОП)

Abstract:The inclusion of parents of children with SEN in a parent group to provide socio-pedagogical support helps to create an environment for parents through which they can exchange ideas and share experiences from their own parenting; to get to know themselves better as parents; learn effective strategies […]


Демократичният образователен модел и българското училище

Abstract:The Bulgarian education system follows democratic principles and goals and fits within the overall framework of democratic education, but our contemporary schools are facing a series of challenges. They need to provide an education, which prepares youths for their future professional realization, while simultaneously giving them the […]


Възникване и развитие на Конфликтологията

Abstract:Conflictology is the science of studying crises caused by conflicts, while looking for causal links to their occurrence and seeks to counteract the different scope of crisis situations. It has existed since antiquity, with written historical evidence preserved from the Babylonian king Hammurabi, the ancient Greek philosophers […]


Базови характеристики на акмеологията в обучението на студентите

Abstract:Dynamic development of public life puts new demands on each educational system. Changes in training should begin higher education at university, applying contemporary ways of learning in students. This requires a change in the training of teaching staff at the university. One way is by introducing akmeology […]


„Продуктивното обучение“ на студентите-педагози като психолого-педагогически проблем

Abstract:„The transgressive model” of Socratic question assumes “transgression of organisation” and “transgression of thinking” and mental activity of participants. In the first case, the transgression in Socratic question is found among the elements “case, situation and game”, which draws us nearer to the optimum to its creative […]


Подготовка за ограмотяване чрез игри с буквите

Abstract:Current paper presents games with letters for preschoolers and first graders to learn to read and write. The games encourage intellectual development. In addition they enrich interactions between children and their communication with significant adults (parents and teachers). The letter games are represented in increasing complexity. They […]


Представяне на учебна информация по български език и литература, начален етап

Abstract:The educational process in active information environment gives rise to both dynamic attitudes in young students, and new forms of participation for their first teachers. In the teaching of Bulgarian language and literature in 1st – 4th grade the children`s receptive aspect chooses the seeking knowledge: alternative, […]


Редакционна колегия

Главен редактор
доц. д-р Ася Велева
Редакционна колегия
Доц. д-р Багряна Илиева
Доц. д-р Валентина Василева
Доц. д-р Галина Георгиева
Доц. д-р Десислава Беломорска
Доц. д-р Лора Радославова


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