Годишно научнотеоретично списание
ISSN 1314-7714 / COBISS.BG-ID 1263701476

Archive for the ‘Теория и опит’ Category

Етични аспекти на професионализма при работа с родители на деца със СОП

Abstract:This article will discuss some of the ethical aspects of professionalism in working with parents of children with special educational needs. An attempt will be made to derive the types of family relationships and on the basis of them to offer adequate ways of interaction between professionals […]


Политики за осигуряване на безопасна образователна среда при проявите на физическа агресия

Abstract:This article refers to a topic of present interest and of increasing importance – providing a safe learning environment in cases of physical aggression. The focus of this publication is put on the policies that aim prevention and intervention of risky behavior bearing the signs of physical […]


По словото или за вселенските закони в народното изкуство (пословицата)

Abstract:The article examines the phenomenon of proverb (beyond the word) through the prism of ancient universal principles. Bulgarian proverbs gather knowledge about the macrocosm and microcosm and show the connections between the sublime and the earthly, as this knowledge is encoded in all manifestations of folk art […]


Основни методи и принципи в педагогиката на Петър Дънов – история и съвременност

Abstract:The philosophical ideas and teaching of Peter Dunov (called the Master) have been attracting the community attention in our country for years. In his philosophy we can find a rich pedagogical material, which allows building of a pedagogical system. Recently, attempts have been made in this direction […]


Особености на учебните дейности в преговорния урок по математика в началните класове

Abstract:The article examines the peculiarities of the teaching activities of the teacher and the pupils in the individual structural components of the revision lesson of mathematics in the first grades. Emphasis is placed on the psychological and methodological aspects of preparing for repetition and systematization of knowledge. […]


Теоретични концепции и модели на процесът на социално учене

Abstract:The present material is predominantly theoretical and aims to present a general analysis of the concepts and models of the social learning process. The terms socialization, social learning and social education are distinguished, and the process of social learning is positioned in the field of theoretical concepts […]


Особености на формирането на комуникативни компетенции на бъдещи педагози в полиетнична образователна среда

Abstract:The article analyzes the peculiarities of the multi-ethnic educational environment in the Republic of Moldova, which is an important advantage but also an obstacle to the development of communicative competence in future educators. The author analyzes the results of a research conducted to determine the level of […]


Диагностична методика за установяване равнището и развитието на умение за осъзнаване и формулиране на противоречие (при ученици 1-4 клас) (накратко „Можеш ли да дадеш веднага вярно обяснение?“)

Abstract:This article presents a methodology for establishing the level and development of awareness skills and formulating contradiction among primary school pupils. In order to check the statistical reliability and probative results, we use nonparametric statistical methods that are appropriate in this case and draw the results by […]


Собствената активност като движеща сила на развитието

Abstract:The article reflects the author’s research on own activity as a driver for development in theories on personality structure and the dynamics of human motives. Some of the psychic phenomena described in the theories are supported by examples of psychological work on child development issues. It aims […]


Жертви на системата или защо децата в конфликт със закона все още не са деца в риск

Abstract:Although the problem with children in conflict with the law exists, it seems to be neglected, it is left in the countries of the main problems of modern society, and is missing from the daily discussed topics. Governors probably do not think that this category of children […]


Редакционна колегия

Главен редактор
доц. д-р Ася Велева
Редакционна колегия
Доц. д-р Багряна Илиева
Доц. д-р Валентина Василева
Доц. д-р Галина Георгиева
Доц. д-р Десислава Беломорска
Доц. д-р Лора Радославова


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Факултет Природни науки и образование
Русенски университет "Ангел Кънчев"
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