Годишно научнотеоретично списание
ISSN 1314-7714 / COBISS.BG-ID 1263701476

Archive for the ‘Теория и опит’ Category

Психосоциална подкрепа на хората с деменция чрез иновативни модели на работа в резидентна и дневна грижа

Abstract:As the demographic ages, problems associated with diseases such as dementia come to the fore. Bulgaria’s population is among the oldest and fastest ageing in the European Union. A person with an advanced form of dementia requiresall-day care, in the absence of adequate services for those with […]


Дисциплината в онлайн класна стая

Abstract:Whether the learning process is conducted in a present form or with remote access, class discipline is one of the main components of positive moral relations in the pedagogical process. With the introduction of new educational technologies and the increasingly intensive teaching in the conditions of remote […]


Методически насоки за приложение на Bee Bot програмируема играчка в обучението по математика в детската градина

Abstract:The current paper presents methodological guidelines for integrating a programmable toy (Bee Bot) in the process of teaching mathematics in preschool age as part of the STEALM approach in education. It also includes examples of games related to developing children’s mathematical knowledge and skills of working with […]


Развитие на алгоритмичните умения в предучилищна възраст

Abstract:Algorithmic skills are very important for successful implementation in contemporary high-tech world. Algorithms are used in mathematics and in computer science as well in everyday activities. Tasks with algorithms contribute to the development of logical thinking, planning skills, selfcontrol, skills for transfer of a method of solving […]


Днешният литературно-образователен процес в начален етап

Abstract:Despite the continuing inertia, the targeted modernisation of the methodology for integral subject Bulgarian language and literature deepens. We do still do not have enough pragmatic landmarks and metacognition about the possibilities for innovative communication and pedagogical interaction in electronic environment. The adequate integration of new technologies […]


Психологически основания за приложение на анимативния подход в начална училищна възраст

Abstract:A serious challenge for teachers in the modern educational process is the low motivation for learning in students, which has an adverse impact on learning outcomes. In this regard, there is a need for teachers to choose an effective approach that stimulates the cognitive activity of students, […]


Девиантното поведение сред подрастващите като проблем на социално-педагогическата работа

Abstract:The increased manifestations of deviant behavior among adolescents are a result of the crisis in society and the profound changes that have occurred in recent years in political, economic and social life. Respectively, the changes in the social sphere led to social and personal changes in the […]


Оказване на социално-педагогическа подкрепа на родители на деца със специални образователни потребности (СОП)

Abstract:The inclusion of parents of children with SEN in a parent group to provide socio-pedagogical support helps to create an environment for parents through which they can exchange ideas and share experiences from their own parenting; to get to know themselves better as parents; learn effective strategies […]


Демократичният образователен модел и българското училище

Abstract:The Bulgarian education system follows democratic principles and goals and fits within the overall framework of democratic education, but our contemporary schools are facing a series of challenges. They need to provide an education, which prepares youths for their future professional realization, while simultaneously giving them the […]


Възникване и развитие на Конфликтологията

Abstract:Conflictology is the science of studying crises caused by conflicts, while looking for causal links to their occurrence and seeks to counteract the different scope of crisis situations. It has existed since antiquity, with written historical evidence preserved from the Babylonian king Hammurabi, the ancient Greek philosophers […]


Редакционна колегия

Главен редактор
доц. д-р Ася Велева
Редакционна колегия
Доц. д-р Багряна Илиева
Доц. д-р Валентина Василева
Доц. д-р Галина Георгиева
Доц. д-р Десислава Беломорска
Доц. д-р Лора Радославова


Катедра Педагогика
Факултет Природни науки и образование
Русенски университет "Ангел Кънчев"
ул."Студентска" 8
7017 Русе

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