Годишно научнотеоретично списание
ISSN 1314-7714 / COBISS.BG-ID 1263701476

Archive for the ‘Теория и опит’ Category

Професионални качества на директора на образователна институция

Abstract: The professional qualities of the director are a key tool for achieving intragroup synergy. The leadership skills, communication abilities, managerial functions of the managing head are essential for building a successful vision of the educational institution and maintaining an effective educational process. The director is the […]


Детското правосъдие в България – митове и реалност

Abstract: In the present work, an attempt is made to make a critical analysis of the current regulatory framework related to the administration of justice for juvenile and minor offenders in the Republic of Bulgaria from the perspective of child-friendly justice. The actions of the Local Commission […]


Социалнопедагогическа работа при социално отчуждение на деца и семейства

ne_fourth][/one_fourth] Abstract: The article examines the fundamental for the present time problem related to the social isolation of people and the subsequent alienation from the environment, group, community, society. Sociocultural and personal factors for social isolation, the causes of alienation and the process of social isolation and […]


Актуални специфики на разстройство от аутистичния спектър

Abstract: The current review presents recent scientific achievements, discoveries, changes of diagnostic criteria, specifics, classification, revelation, etiology, interventions, education, strategies, goals, and expectations of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The paper summarizes diagnostic criteria changes in ICD-11 and DSM-V about autism as well as interventions and […]


Иновативни технологии за социална работа с хора от третата възраст

Abstract: Social work is carried out with older people in need of guardianship, care, support, both material, moral, psychological, legal and other social assistance. For high-quality social work with older people, it is necessary to master innovative technologies of social work with this population group. This article […]


Планиране на квалификационната дейност на педагогическите специалисти в контекста на качеството на образование

Abstract:The article analyzes the plans developed for qualification in basic schools, secondary schools, profiled and vocational high schools, including sports schools, which provide professional training from 16 administrative regions of the Republic of Bulgaria. The aim is to establish how far they correspond to the national priorities […]


Учителското портфолио – инструмент за оценка постиженията на учителя

Abstract:The professional portfolio is a modern technology for recording the achievements of pedagogical specialists. It helps to build the overall vision of the teacher by registering in the registers of his professional career development the self-assessment of professional achievements. The portfolio is a reflexive auto-assessment document that […]


Тематично-базиран подход на планиране на педагогическото взаимодействие в предучилищна възраст в Aнглия

Abstract:The current article presents a model of a topic-based approach to planning pedagogical interaction in preschool. It outlines the good practice of an English infant school as an example of successful integration of “child-content-context” principle in education. It also describes in detail the structure of long-term, short-term […]


Развитие на уменията за използване на метода моделиране при формиране на елементарни математически представи в предучилищна възраст

Abstract:From a pedagogical point of view, the development of children’s skills in using the modeling method is important for two reasons: first, the modeling activity contributes to the development of cognitive function; secondly, mathematical concepts are abstract and can only be learned by children with the help […]


Приложение на иновативен подход за управление на човешките ресурси в детски градини

Abstract:The article presents a theoretical-applied analysis of the possibilities of applying innovative approaches in the recruitment, selection, training, qualification and development, formation of teams, motivation and retention of personnel in kindergartens. The trends and modern guidelines of innovative solutions of human resources management in organizations and the […]


Редакционна колегия

Главен редактор
доц. д-р Ася Велева
Редакционна колегия
Доц. д-р Багряна Илиева
Доц. д-р Валентина Василева
Доц. д-р Галина Георгиева
Доц. д-р Десислава Беломорска
Доц. д-р Лора Радославова


Катедра Педагогика
Факултет Природни науки и образование
Русенски университет "Ангел Кънчев"
ул."Студентска" 8
7017 Русе

Русенски университет Ангел Кънчев