Годишно научнотеоретично списание
ISSN 1314-7714 / COBISS.BG-ID 1263701476

Archive for the ‘Теория и опит’ Category

Професионално-личностни качества на педагогическите съветници и етапи в консултативната им дейност

Abstract:The article analyzes the importance of professional ethics and personal qualities among pedagogical advisors. Special attention is paid to the professional principles which determine the impact of their work. On the basis of concrete experience and analysis of the specialized literature I am revealing some successful strategies […]


Формирование безопасности личности как психолого-педагогическая проблема

Abstract: The article provides an analysis of current research in the field of psychology of security, examines the psychological level organization of security of the person, describes the mechanisms of formation person security in the process of ontogenesis. Key words: the psychological security of the person, mechanisms […]


Подходы к пониманию психологической готовности будущего педагога к субъект – субъектному взаимодействию

Abstract: The intensive nature of the changes in education policy, its focus on the formation of the young specialist able to be an active participant in its activities independently and creatively solve professional problems highlights the issue of subjectivity formation of students in training in high school, […]


Using Social Networks in Teaching Intercultural Communication

Abstract: В статье анализируется упражнение, которое проводилось на занятии по межкультурной коммуникации. Студентов из Америки и России просили обсудить предложенные темы, используя социальные сети. Кроме того студенты записывали свои впечатления, анализ которых выявил, что студенты были очень заинтересованы в выполнении данного упражнения. Каждый вовлеченный студент отмечает, что […]


Творческая самореализация современного педагога при участии в оформлении интернет-сайта „Мир детства: история – культура – образование“

Abstract: This article discusses the problems of development of the creative potential of a modern pedagogical university lecturer with consideration of the peculiarities of their participation in a research project of designing the Internet site «the World of childhood: history- culture – education». Content development for the […]


Модел на проектно-базирано обучение по математика

Abstract: The paper presents a project-based model for creating and developing competencies of students. Some advantages and stages in projects’ realization are described. A system of criteria for application of the approach is developed. An example of project work is given. Key words: project-based learning, stages in […]


Ролята на педагогическите технологии в учебния процес – теоретичен анализ

Abstract: Тази статия представя теоретичен анализ на ролята на педагогическите технологии в учебния процес – изследване на терминологичния апарат (технологии, образователни технологии, педагогически технологии), технологичен подход в обучението, класификация на технологиите, качества на педагогическите технологии, оценяване. Key words: educational technologies, pedagogical technologies, educational process, teaching and learning […]


Играта – форма за самоорганизация на децата от предучилищна възраст

Abstract: This report examines the play as a form of self-organization in preschool children that serves as a good basis for opening up creative potential of children and provides opportunities for self-realization success in school and in life hereafter. Key words: age, self-organization, creative potential, self-realization   […]


Идеите на SOKA обучението

Abstract: The SOKA education blends the American pragmatism and the Buddhist philosophy and according to it the main aim of the education is the continuing happiness of the pupils. This theory does not propose class room techniques, but influences emotionally the teachers and pupils. Soka claims that […]


Психологически измерения на локуса на контрола на студентите в академичната среда

Abstract: Based on a reconceptualization of Rotter`s (1966) construct of locus of control Palenzuela (1988) derived an operational domain-specific measure for use with undergraduate populations. This study attempted to explore the transferability of the Multidimensional Academic Locus of Control Scale (MALOCS) to a Bulgarian higher education context. […]


Редакционна колегия

Главен редактор
доц. д-р Ася Велева
Редакционна колегия
Доц. д-р Багряна Илиева
Доц. д-р Валентина Василева
Доц. д-р Галина Георгиева
Доц. д-р Десислава Беломорска
Доц. д-р Лора Радославова


Катедра Педагогика
Факултет Природни науки и образование
Русенски университет "Ангел Кънчев"
ул."Студентска" 8
7017 Русе

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