Годишно научнотеоретично списание
ISSN 1314-7714 / COBISS.BG-ID 1263701476

Archive for the ‘Архив минали години’ Category

Компетентности на диригентът-учител и учителят-диригент в китарната оркестрова практика

Abstract:The report presents the leadership of Guitar Orchestra Practice at the Ruse National School of Arts “Prof. Vesselin Stoyanov”. Two aspects of the art manager`s activities are considered – Conductor-Teacher and Teacher- Conductor. The main focus is on their competencies. Съвременното ниво на икономическо и социокултурно обществено […]


Получаване на статус за квалифициран учител от студентите-педагози в Англия

Abstract:The following article examines the different routes through which students in England can obtain a pedagogical degree and a Qualified Teacher Status. It also describes the Teachers’ standards that students need to meet in order to achieve the status. A focus was put on the statutory requirements […]


Проучване влиянието на наднорменото тегло върху активността на децата

Abstract: The modern lifestyle, the new-age internet communications, the busy school curriculums and extra-curriculum activities, the reduction of the time children spend outdoors, all these factors limits their involvement in physical games and their motoric activity. The Goal of the research is determine the influence of being […]


За въздействието на алкохола върху младите хора като психологически проблем

Abstract: The material examines a psychological problem – the one about the impact of alcohol on the young person. The empirical study covers modern students from Bulgarian universities and colleges. Conclusions were made about the physiological, socio-psychological and sexual impact of alcohol on the psychic of the […]


Професионалната квалификация на учителите в контекста на „Учене през целия живот“

Abstract:Teacher qualification does not end with the completion of higher education. The qualification process extends through their pedagogical practice and involves increasing the scientific, pedagogical and methodical preparation and creating motivation for self-development and self-improvement of teachers. Improving professional skills, changing and developing professional attitudes and values […]


Сравнителна характеристика на сюжетно-ролевата игра при деца от детски градини и деца, отглеждани в интернат

Abstract: The paper discusses characteristic features of plot role play in children from kindergartens and children raised in institutional care. Real situations from the conducted study are presented in their completeness and vitality, as well as the abundance of children’s playing speech. The reasons that limit the […]


Възможности за игра в ежедневието на детската градина съобразно новите нормативни документи

Abstract: Play end Games traditional hold an important place in Bulgarian preschool education. Reason for that is the knowledge about the huge influence of play and game on child’s development in its different aspects: physical, emotional, social, cognitive, personal. The promulgation of Regulation №5 on 03. 06. […]


Демографски дисбаланси и влиянието им върху живота на хората от третата възраст

Abstract: Our country is facing a number of negative trends in demographic processes: low birth rate, high migration, a high percentage of aging population, reduced number of workers and others. All these require launching reforms in the pension and health systems, social protection, labour and others. The […]


Агресивното и предизвикателно поведение на юношите към учителя

Abstract: The growing dynamic and competitives features of modern human well-rounded individual with anxiety is increasingly prominently features and its inherent aggressive tendencies. Aggression at school is not just an institutional problem. The factors are multifaceted and the decision is related to the activity and cooperation at […]


Съвременни удобства – препятствия пред детското здраве и развитие

Abstract: The article features current challenges, reckoned by parents as modern, mass ones, “in tune with our times” and consciously used by imitation or ignorance, might prevent child development and become factors for illness. The analysis focuses on the reasons for the choices and variations related to: […]


Редакционна колегия

Главен редактор
доц. д-р Ася Велева
Редакционна колегия
Доц. д-р Багряна Илиева
Доц. д-р Валентина Василева
Доц. д-р Галина Георгиева
Доц. д-р Десислава Беломорска
Доц. д-р Лора Радославова


Катедра Педагогика
Факултет Природни науки и образование
Русенски университет "Ангел Кънчев"
ул."Студентска" 8
7017 Русе

Русенски университет Ангел Кънчев