Годишно научнотеоретично списание
ISSN 1314-7714

Archive for the ‘Брой 2016’ Category

Сравнителна характеристика на сюжетно-ролевата игра при деца от детски градини и деца, отглеждани в интернат

Abstract: The paper discusses characteristic features of plot role play in children from kindergartens and children raised in institutional care. Real situations from the conducted study are presented in their completeness and vitality, as well as the abundance of children’s playing speech. The reasons that limit the […]


Възможности за игра в ежедневието на детската градина съобразно новите нормативни документи

Abstract: Play end Games traditional hold an important place in Bulgarian preschool education. Reason for that is the knowledge about the huge influence of play and game on child’s development in its different aspects: physical, emotional, social, cognitive, personal. The promulgation of Regulation №5 on 03. 06. […]


Демографски дисбаланси и влиянието им върху живота на хората от третата възраст

Abstract: Our country is facing a number of negative trends in demographic processes: low birth rate, high migration, a high percentage of aging population, reduced number of workers and others. All these require launching reforms in the pension and health systems, social protection, labour and others. The […]


Агресивното и предизвикателно поведение на юношите към учителя

Abstract: The growing dynamic and competitives features of modern human well-rounded individual with anxiety is increasingly prominently features and its inherent aggressive tendencies. Aggression at school is not just an institutional problem. The factors are multifaceted and the decision is related to the activity and cooperation at […]


Съвременни удобства – препятствия пред детското здраве и развитие

Abstract: The article features current challenges, reckoned by parents as modern, mass ones, “in tune with our times” and consciously used by imitation or ignorance, might prevent child development and become factors for illness. The analysis focuses on the reasons for the choices and variations related to: […]


Създаване на психология на успеха в класната стая

Abstract: Every teacher meets the necessarily to manage and control student’s activity, collaboration and motivation of success in classroom. In this article it will be showed practical strategies and techniques for identifying and stimulating of student’s motivation, engagement, academic self-efficacy and self-concept. There will be reviewed the […]


Дидактическото моделиране в обучението – основа за личностно развитие на учениците

Abstract: Modeling method provides an opportunity to unite empirical and theoretical knowledge in pedagogical research. By modeling the process of studying the teaching object of the experiment, it is possible to draw logical structures and scientific abstractions. Didactic nature of modeling can be defined as a way […]


Формиране на активна емпатия у учениците от начална училищна възраст чрез използване на възможностите на изобразителното изкуство

Abstract:The current article defines the term „active empathy“ and introduces the results of long-term experimental study of its formation among pupils in primary school by the means of art. The goal of the study is to examine, expand and improve the possible pedagogical approaches and methods to […]


Наставничество в учителската професия – същност, цели и функции

Abstract: Mentoring is not just a process of developing practical skills, it is a component of a system of knowledge which requires a completely new approach to work. The present article looks at concrete tasks which aim at achieving the mentoring goals in the interests of all […]


Дигиталните технологии и обучението на дигиталните младежи

Abstract: The existing educational system and commonly used methods of teaching in the learning process are faced with the difficulty holding the attention of digital students. The students are placed in situations of consumers of certain content, expecting themselves to manage the virtual environment and to interact […]


Редакционна колегия

Главен редактор
доц. д-р Ася Велева
Редакционна колегия
Доц. д-р Багряна Илиева
Доц. д-р Валентина Василева
Доц. д-р Галина Георгиева
Доц. д-р Десислава Беломорска
Доц. д-р Лора Радославова


Катедра Педагогика
Факултет Природни науки и образование
Русенски университет "Ангел Кънчев"
ул."Студентска" 8
7017 Русе

Русенски университет Ангел Кънчев